Thursday, December 12, 2019

"You have given my father back to me!"

GALF Gleanings!
Chuffed to bits!
The most wonderful appraisal of my presentation on
FN Souza at GALF, from writers, artists, filmmakers, and gallerists!

Keren Souza, Souza's daughter, a British artist in her own right said, "You have given my father back to me!"
'Critic as an Artist' - My 5 yr old research project on FN Souza's art practice, births new dialogue around his highly controversial figurative art legacy, the study of human sexual life and relationships.
While Keren Souza, Sonia Rodrigues Sabarwal, Arjun Menezes designed the display "Portrait of the Young Artist"
Shaistha Thapar set up the art gallery - a viewing of masterpieces of FN Souza at the event.

Graphic Design - Apoorva Raina

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