Sunday, December 8, 2019

 GALF Gleanings!

X edition of Goa art lit fest!
In conversation with New Zealand-based novelist Rajorshi Chakraborty, who cautions us that if we do not 'seize the day'....' Or The Day Will Seize Us', the title of his first novel. Other books come with more intriguing titles:
'Balloonists' (which reminded me about Krishen Khanna's Bandwallahs)
The novel in the discussion was the to-be-released:
The age of Right-wing politics and their subversive agendas set as a mystery thriller with 3 strong women protagonists.
Interesting and enriching interlude. Raj is as good an orator/writer as he is a listener. The exchange of ideas was scintillating, the beginning of a new art/ literary friendship!

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